Wednesday, January 19, 2011


So, I've had some weird issues lately, that I thought I might as well blog about here. Since it might be related to my donation, it might be helpful to anyone else thinking about donating or reading this.

First weirdness - I had my annual PAP at my regular doctor last month. Well, I finally got the results, and it came back abnormal. They automatically test for certain strains of HPV when an abnormal PAP comes back, and those tests were negative, so they told me it was probably nothing to worry about, and to just make sure I get checked again next year. Now, I thought this was kind of weird, since the last time (10 years ago) I had an abnormal PAP, they re-tested me in 3 months. But either way, I know I'll get checked again when I start my next donation cycle in March, so that puts my mind at ease a little.

Second weirdness - I hope the hormones I took during the last cycle didn't make me extra fertile or something... My period was late this month, and when it started, it didn't even feel like a regular period. It was really light the first few days, almost just spotting. Then, on the 3rd or 4th day, I had extremely painful cramps, and later that day, I passed some really big clots, including one that was kind of white & gray. Now I'm wondering if I accidentally got pregnant, and didn't realize it, then spent the holidays drinking tons of alcohol & not taking care of myself, and then had a miscarriage... Yes, I was on birth control, but I was off of it for 2 months, then went back on it, then switched from the patch to the pill in the middle of the month, then kept taking my pills & skipped my menstrual cycle for a month, because I was on vacation. Even as I'm typing all of this out, it makes me realize that I probably did not have an effective method of birth control going for about a month. Any thoughts on this? Well, if that's what happened, I guess it's probably good that I had a miscarriage, if that's what happened, because I'd probably have a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome otherwise. Lesson learned, don't mess around with my birth control so much after a donation cycle, and make sure I use a backup method.

Anyway, that's all for now. My next donation cycle doesn't start until March, due to scheduling conflicts, so I won't have much news to post for awhile.

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