Tuesday, October 5, 2010


So... the past 3 days I've had ultrasounds and bloodwork - which meant driving 160 miles each day! Ick. What's even worse is that my follicles don't seem to be growing fast enough. The doctor increased the dosage on both medications again yesterday, but there still wasn't much growth seen on today's ultrasound. She said depending on what the blood tests show this afternoon, she might cancel the cycle. I feel so bad for my couple. I know they've been waiting for this for such a long time, and then for me to go through almost the entire cycle, only to not have it work, really sucks. I'm crossing my fingers that everything turns out okay so we can finish the cycle, but I'll just have to wait and see.

The doctor also said that my body is responding to the medications similar to a woman in her 40s (which I am not even close to!) She recommended that if I want to have children of my own, that I start trying very soon (like no more than 2-3 years). So... that's a lot to think about. I know we want kids of our own, but I know we're not ready this year for sure. Next year is questionable, and the year after that might be okay. It really worries me that I might not even be able to have children of my own if I wait much longer. This was not in my master plan!

So, until later...

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